How to Gain Energy During Pregnancy

Method 1 of 6: Exercise

  1. 1
    Get enough exercise to keep your heart, lungs and muscles healthy and to get plenty of oxygen to your brain and other organs. Check with your doctor before you begin an exercise regimen.
    • Go for a walk during your lunch break or set aside time to walk with your husband after you get home from work.
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    • Do some light yoga stretches as dinner cooks.
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    • Use a half hour of your TV time to ride a stationary bicycle or walk on a treadmill.
    • Play music or a favorite musical video and dance with your children to get your body moving and your heart rate up


Method 2 of 6: Sleep

  1. Gain Energy During Pregnancy Step 2.jpg
    Sleep is important in maintaining energy levels during your pregnancy.
    • Doctors recommend 8 to 9 hours per night.
    • It may be difficult to get enough sleep because of stress or worry, cramps, frequent urination, shortness of breath and constipation or heartburn.
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    Sleep on your side.
    • If you sleep on your side early on in your pregnancy you may find it easier to adjust to it later in pregnancy.
    • Experts recommend sleeping on your left side to keep the fetus off the liver, which is on the right side. Lying on your left side also improves circulation to your uterus and fetus and the kidneys.
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    Avoid taking chemical or herbal sleep aids.
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    Take naps during the daytime to catch up on lost sleep at night.

Method 3 of 6: Preventing Sleep Loss

  1. Gain Energy During Pregnancy Step 6.jpg
    Avoid caffeine in coffee, soda tea and chocolate. Caffeine is a stimulant that can interfere with your sleep.
    • Caffeine can stay in the system for many hours and interfere with sleep.
    • Medical researchers are unsure whether caffeine is unhealthy for fetuses.
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    Stop eating snacks or drinking a lot of fluids a few hours before going to bed. You may try eating more at breakfast and lunch and a smaller dinner.
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    Avoid rigorous exercise before bed. Instead, drink herbal tea or warm milk with honey or take a warm bath

Foods that boost energy during pregnancy...

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10 energy-boosting foods

by Amy Paturel, M.S., M.P.H.
Last updated: June 2011
When your energy is low, it's tempting to give in to cravings for caffeine and sugar – anything to help get you through the day. Instead, choose foods that are rich in protein or fiber to give your body the fuel it needs to keep going. Here are ten of our favorites.

At just 78 calories and 6 grams of protein, the egg is a protein powerhouse. And it's loaded with other nutrients as well, especially in the yolks, says Jonny Bowden, author of The 150 Most Effective Ways to Boost Your Energy. "People avoid the yolk because they're worried about cholesterol, but egg yolks contain choline, which is critical for memory."

Loaded with stress-reducing B vitamins and soluble fiber, oatmeal is the perfect choice for an energy boost. Dietary fiber fills you up without weighing you down, keeps blood sugar levels in check, and helps prevent the overwhelming desire to snooze come 3 p.m. Add a few nutrient-rich berries on top, and you've got the snack of champions
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How To Combat Pregnancy Fatigue


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